
Start where you are.
Use what you have.
Do what you can.


We love our volunteers and interns! We appreciate their support so much! If you’d like to join us, we have a great office culture where you’ll be welcomed as a valued member of the team.

Volunteer opportunities can be short term, occasional, or regular opportunities, we’re flexible about getting you involved with something that works for you!

Please choose the program you would like to volunteer for and fill out the form for more information. If you would like to sign up as a group volunteer contact Francisco Martinez-Roman via email fmartinez-roman@hispanic-center.org


Language Services

Volunteer in our language service department working our long term opportunities such as: -the written translation -data entry -business/administrative support

Grand Rapids Hispanic Festival

Volunteer with us for this year's Hispanic Festival on August 2,3,4

Family Services

We have many volunteer opportunities. We have our monthly food distribution. Join us for our annual events such as La Gran Posada, Día del Niño, Coat Drive, Toy Drive, Latinx Health & Resource Fair and more.


Volunteer with us by helping to welcome the community for our covid vaccination clinics. Help with intake & follow-ups, in reception area and more.

Volunteer's testimonies


Language Services // volunteer

Jackson Miller

I believe that every design is personal. The connection we have with clients determines how the projects will look at the end of the design process. We must understand the clients and bond with them, be a part of their dream. Their dream is our dream.